Just a quick post today as its girls night out, off to movies.
Sprouts are quick and yummy to make at home - full of essential vits and mins.
I got my jar from Green Harvest in Qld. They also supply the seeds to sprout - suitable seeds are denoted with letter 'S'. I use the organic fenugreek which are about $9.00 for a whole kilo - so last forever.
You start by adding a small layer of seeds to the bottom of the jar, and covering with water. Leave overnight.
Give them a good rinse the next day - the lid of the jar acts like a sieve, so you can tip water straight through it. Then turn jar on its side; rinse them a couple of times a day and drain.
This is after a couple of days. Ready to use on sandwiches, in stir-frys or throw a handful in salads. I even heard popeye has started sprouting as there's too many chemical preservatives in his tins of spinach!!...
This was my yummy lunch today; sprouts, tomato slices and a bit of vintage cheddar on wholegrain bread.
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